Thursday, February 17, 2005

Biding Time

I read the other day about a defense attorney who has been jailed along with her paralegal staff for aiding terrorists. All she did was allow her client to communicate with the outside world. In America that is Free Speech. We were not founded on any other one principle besides Free Speech.

The argument used was that this man speaking would cause lives to be lost. There are countless phrases that have been uttered over the last few years that have met that criteria and as much as I dislike and disagree with those statements I would never condone banning the individuals from saying them. Take for example, "Bring 'em on", "We're gonna smoke 'em outta their holes", "Saddam possesses weapons of mass destruction". All of these have now cost over 1,000 American lives and some uncounted and probably attrocious number of Iraqi lives, but we can't censor W.

Can he censor me?

With an Attorney General who condones torture, more conservative Supreme Court justices on their way, and a culture where "Americans should watch what they say" I suppose that I am just biding time until my ultimate stay in Abu Ghraib. Maybe I'll make Guananamo Bay. It is closer, and the weather should be stellar.

I've always wanted to see Cuba.


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