The Secret Police
I've heard rumblings that Rummy now has his own unsupervised branch of special ops. I figure things like this have existed for a long time, but an official acknowledgement would be original. I guess that I would feel better about it at any time in history except maybe the Civil War, or McCarthyism.
For a long time I would have agreed with that both parties represented equally valid viewpoints, even if they differed significantly from my own, What scares me are: violations of the Geneva convention and basic human decency being committed in the name of the US, unprovoked invasions that endanger our citizenry and national financial wellbeing, and telling me that a god I don't believe in will help us win a war against an enemy we haven't effectively attacked in two invasions (note: the terrorists are mobile enough to leave when they hear the planes coming, the citizens get fucked. If you don't believe me, then tell me who would be the first one out of your town in a war, you with the job, family and mortgage, or the kinda crazy guy who hangs out on the streetcorner yelling at strangers about Jesus?).
Personally, I think all the Ammendments are important, but the 2nd needs some tweaking. Everyone should bear arms except religious fanatics. I don't care if you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist whether your name is Osama, Sharon, or W. If you believe that you can kill in the name of your god, then you ought to be kept away from firearms and sharp objects.
And please force this administration into more transparency, not less.
In tough times dissidence is patriotism.
For a long time I would have agreed with that both parties represented equally valid viewpoints, even if they differed significantly from my own, What scares me are: violations of the Geneva convention and basic human decency being committed in the name of the US, unprovoked invasions that endanger our citizenry and national financial wellbeing, and telling me that a god I don't believe in will help us win a war against an enemy we haven't effectively attacked in two invasions (note: the terrorists are mobile enough to leave when they hear the planes coming, the citizens get fucked. If you don't believe me, then tell me who would be the first one out of your town in a war, you with the job, family and mortgage, or the kinda crazy guy who hangs out on the streetcorner yelling at strangers about Jesus?).
Personally, I think all the Ammendments are important, but the 2nd needs some tweaking. Everyone should bear arms except religious fanatics. I don't care if you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist whether your name is Osama, Sharon, or W. If you believe that you can kill in the name of your god, then you ought to be kept away from firearms and sharp objects.
And please force this administration into more transparency, not less.
In tough times dissidence is patriotism.
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