60 are dead from explosions at Mosques in Iraq. I know that many will lament the evil of bombing a holy place where people worship. I don't agree. The United States is running a war in which our President continually evokes God as a reason to fight, and a reason that we will win.
My god isn't in the business of war. He doesn't hold shares in Halliburton. He doesn't tell me who to vote for, and surely does not use public tax dollars to fund faith based initiatives in a country that separates church and state. Then again, I don't believe in religion.
Apparently, the gods of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Muslims are in the war business. I propose that they only bomb places of worship. Leave all the innocent people who see religion as the ultimate fairy tale out of your wars.
Fairy tales like religion rely on the listener to suspend rational thought. They help children get to sleep at night in the same way that religion helps children and adults get to sleep at night. It is an intellectual crutch in one's search for meaning. Religion makes the bad things in life appear to be good medicine, and allows one to rationalize success as the reward for a life in the service of God. Most importantly, religions cause wars.
The last statement was made famous by a man that I and many others worship--John Lennon. Even the worship of John Lennon caused violence towards the object of the worship so it would seem that humans are not cut out for this whole worship thing and we should try to get off the sauce before it destroys us all.
Don't try to acquit yourself because your religion is better. All the religions have done it and they all believe they are right: Israel v. Palestine, Christians v. Catholics, Hindu v. Muslims, The Crusades (Christians v. Muslims), The Inquisition (Catholics v. Jews), Buddhist Monks v. Gasoline and a lighter.
So do yourself a favor and skip church, temple, the synagogue, or mosque this week. Then write your congressional representatives and let them know that if they really want to end war, they need to light up every church, mosque, synagogue, and temple within range next weekend. It is the religions that allow people the fervor and the suspension of reality necessary to believe in a war. End the religions and you will cripple the war machine.
Better yet turn the bombs and guns over to those of us that don't believe in Paradise, Nirvana, Heaven or Hell. We will kill or die only as a last resort. You can trust us to not turn the guns over to you when you get really upset over the fact that your neighbor believes that Jesus' mother is important and you don't, or that Muhammed should have spelled his name Mohammed, or that they think that Britney Spears is a slightly less terrible singer than Ashley Simpson. Let reason prevail.