A Day at the Lake

This picture is from a day when my friend Jack did some fishing while I watched and drank beer for lack of a fishing license and any appreciable talent for catching fish. Looking at it makes me think so many things about ecology, sustainable living, how far we are from being a sustainable society, and the fact that we are headed in the opposite direction.
I mentioned the other night to someone that the most significant turning point for the United States as a culture came in the 20th century when winter ceased to be a time of conservation to make supplies last until spring. Winter became an orgy of consumption where we try to eat and buy as much as is possible whether or not we can even afford to live past January 1st.
Each year We the People come away fatter and deeper in debt. The average citizen owns less of what they possess. The fact that they place a lower value upon their possessions means that the cycle will continue.
This year, give gifts that will last. For the people who have everything and say they don't want anything. Do not buy them more stuff. As one who wears this distinction (mostly because I want fairly little) I can tell you that more stuff really does overwhelm us.
Instead you could:
Make a tax deductible donation in their name. (KJAZZ is an organization that I favor)
Save CD's, give an iTunes gift certificate
Help Cal renovate its stadium.
There are all kinds of things you can do if you step outside the mall. Maybe you could even give your grandkids a day at the lake.
You should give the more specific Cal URL for giving to the athletic dept:
Click "Football" on this page, and give all you can, please. Think of the children.
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